this assignment, you will write three paragraphs describing and analyzing
effective persuasive communication you have encountered or produced in
personal, professional, and academic contexts. In each of the three paragraphs,
include at least one concrete example of effective persuasion that you have
experienced or produced yourself to illustrate your points. Your examples can
include instances of persuasion that has been written, spoken, or a combination
of both. Describe that example, identify the parts of the rhetorical situation
(audience, speaker, text, purpose, and context), and offer
specific reasons why the example was effectively based on the concepts covered
in the Units 1 and 2 Reading.You can also include information on tone, style,
formality, voice, correctness, evidence, and word choice as you develop your
analysis. Follow APA formatting guidelines for the document. Paragraphs should
be well-developed (use the “point, illustrate, explain” method), cohesive, and
edited for clarity and correctness. Cite any sources used in APA style,
including the course
Effective Persuasive communication is an essential
concept in people's lives, more importantly on a personal level. Persuasive
communication strategies have been essential in passing significant messages to
individuals during different situations (Giammusso et al., 2022). In a personal
context, I recently convinced my parents to let me pursue my passion for art by
majoring in Fine Arts in college. In this context, my guardians were the listeners,
I was the orator, the conversation was the text, the motive was to gain their
support for my chosen major, and the context was a family discussion at home. I
employed a persuasive tone by using a combination of logical reasoning and
emotional appeal. I also presented evidence of successful artists with thriving
careers and showcased my dedication and commitment to art. Therefore, effective
persuasive communication aids in achieving a goal or objectives by an