Please Note - You will not be submitting your rough draft this week. You will submit confirmation of your draft submission to SmartThinking.
1.Review the results from the Questionnaires Activity to gather the data you need
to support your rough draft.
2.Create a 250-350 word draft essay that includes the following:
1: Identify your leadership preference(s) and describe why the different
aspects appeal to you most. Include specific terms or examples from the
resources to identify your preferences. Paragraph 2: Describe what experiences
you have as a leader, or your experience(s) with other leaders that support
your preferences as areas you want to develop as a leader. You may include
examples of leaders that have not demonstrated strengths in the areas you noted
and how their lack of leadership in that area helped support your decision.
(Sometimes we learn how to be a good leader by experiencing bad leadership).
3: Describe how you will use your strengths and preferences in leadership
within at least one setting. You may not be leading a group at this time, but
there are opportunities to act as a leader
work, at home, and in classes, so you can apply your understanding of your
leadership in any of these settings.
3. Submit Leadership Preference Reflection paper draft to Smarthinking Online Tutoring for feedback (find it linked on the left-hand navigation or review this video for step-by-step instructions:
SmartThinking will send you a confirmation email noting your submission as
Upload a screen shot of the email confirmation in the assignment link.
Note: Within three (3) days, a SmartThinking tutor will return your draft paper with suggested changes and edits. You are expected to incorporate the suggested feedback into your final draft due Week 4.Keep a copy of the feedback. You will need to upload the SmartThinking feedback with your final draft in Week 4.
Considering the
results from the leadership questionnaire, the preferred leadership preferences
sourced from various personal characteristics lean on transformational
leadership. Transformational leadership describes a participatory and inclusive
leadership style by the leader for those being led. The leadership styles focus
on inspiration, formation of trust, and inclusivity which breeds creativity and
innovation among those being led. Unlike authoritarian and other forms of
leadership, transformative leadership is organic primarily in the relationship
between the leader and subordinates, increasing accountability for the leader
from his subordinates. Therefore, examples and characteristics of
transformational leadership are illustrated to describe the advantages of this
type of leadership and its use as a strength in various environments.