Please respond to the prompt
below: I will attach Standard 9 mentioned below to this email because you are
specifically responding to that standard. Based on your understanding of the
PSC's Code of Ethics for Educators (CEE), what actions do you feel leaders and
human resources administrators could do to clearly communicate the intent of
the standards to teachers/staff for the purpose of decreasing
instances of code violations.Specifically, focus your discussion on Standard
#9 (Professionalism) and the potential for teachers' conduct (professional or
personal; intentional or unintentional) to call into question their ability to
be effective in the classroom. Before posting, you may consider reviewing CEE
standards case violations available for viewing on the PSC's website
Leaders and human resource
administrators play a vital role in inflate value to an institution and they
serve and devote to the ethical triumph of an institution. They also have a
role in clearly communicating standards (Professional Conduct) of the PSC's Code of Ethics for Educators to
individuals. This can be done in several ways, including providing training,
code of conduct development, and fostering open communication. These actions
will decrease the instances of code violations by educators.