

Situation analysis: Cleveland Clinic

Your critical assignment in this course is a information technology consulting report.  Consider that you are an information technology consultant.  You have been hired to evaluate the vendor information system alternatives and select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department, or other provider entity.  You will prepare a consulting report that includes the following: 

1.Situation Analysis:  Describe the “real” or hypothetical work environment, provider objectives and current information systems configuration, as well as any unmet needs or issues.

Supportive Submission #1 requires you to complete the Situation Analysis.  Provide a description of the organization itself, an overview of its mission and goals and areas of focus (e.g. oncology research, cardiovascular institute, acute care medical center, etc.).  Describe the “real” or hypothetical work environment, provider objectives and current information systems configuration, as well as any unmet needs or issues.  Then, provide a rationale for choosing it as your topic of interest.  (2-3 pages)

 Anyone using “real” information should “blind” his or her report such that institutional confidentiality is protected. 

 All written submissions should be academically sound and free of typos or grammatical errors. Submissions must follow current APA requirements, with 1-inch margins, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, and include an appropriate title page, running heads, page numbers, correctly formatted in-text citations and references where appropriate, and be uploaded as .doc or .docx documents.

Expert Solution

There has been increased evolution of information technology to enhance efficiency in different industries. For instance, health information technology (HIT) has been embraced in different healthcare sectors, which entails using social media, electronic health records (EHR), mobile applications, telehealth, robotic technology, and big data technology, among others, to enhance efficiency and quality healthcare. For example, the Cleveland Clinic is a recognized modernized healthcare facility that offers specialized care. Therefore, health information technology is highly practiced in Cleveland clinics to offer quality care and deal with complex health issues, including cardiovascular and heart diseases. However, it still needs to innovate more information systems such as AI-driven Chatbots to enhance patient communication and care.

The Cleveland Clinic is ranked among the best hospitals for heart surgery and cardiology. The organization's mission is to care for life, invest in research and development for health and enhance the healthcare providers' education to improve their expertise in offering quality care. The vision is to enhance its patient experience and working experience (Van Iterson et al., 2021). The Cleveland clinic focuses on offering exceptional care by establishing a friendly and compassionate relationship with its patients to enhance patient experience and care, relieve suffering and save lives. The goal is to enhance the integrity, mitigate healthcare disparities and enhance teamwork. However, healthcare providers are guided by the values of continuous innovation, teamwork, safety, quality service, inclusion, empathy, and integrity (Van Iterson et al., 2021). Therefore, the Cleveland Clinic provides a distinguished patient experience by enhancing inclusion, respect for differences, and determination to save lives, reduce suffering and offer the best experience.

In addition to the organization's culture, Cleveland's clinic's success is highly contributed to adapting the health information technology system. The organization uses technologies such as remote healthcare services, an online patient portal, electronic health records (EHR) established through the Epic systems, and VMware software to protect the IT systems and infrastructure (Van Iterson et al., 2021). The technological advancements help in easy retrieval and storage of critical patient details and enhance communication between the various healthcare departments to avoid misdiagnosis or wrong medication. Also, using remote healthcare services helps monitor and care for patients from different locations, limiting the number of readmissions and congestion in healthcare facilities (Van Iterson et al., 2021). Therefore, health information technology plays a crucial role in the healthcare system, enhancing efficiency through easy retrieval and storing of patient details, avoiding medical errors, and enhancing healthcare accessibility and experience.

Furthermore, Cleveland's work environment is conducive to enhancing patient care. The facility's culture is built around the values of inclusion and embracing diversity for patients and colleagues. Thus, healthcare providers respect differences and similarities to create a sense of belonging for their patients (Van Iterson et al., 2021). In addition, the employees get numerous healthcare benefits and opportunities to advance their careers. For instance, the main objectives include enhancing the quality of care and patient satisfaction, improving the population's health, offering care at an affordable cost, enhance healthcare accessibility through remote healthcare to improve the clinical experience (Van Iterson et al., 2021). Hence, the Cleveland clinic working environment is conducive to enhancing the quality of care and achieving the organization's goals.

However, Cleveland clinic should innovate more information systems such as AI-driven Chatbots to enhance patient communication. An automated chatbot helps in offering health education to patients as well as answering health-related questions virtually. For instance, an AI chatbot could be customized to help manage chronic diseases, monitor patients' progress, assess patients' mental health, and give prescriptions where necessary (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2022). Therefore, although the Cleveland Clinic has established its health information technology, it should consider advancing its application of the AI-Chatbot to enhance its remote services and virtual treatment programs. In addition, an established information system enhances patient care, quality of care, and overall experience (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2022). For instance, the organization's mission is to care for life, invest in research and development for health and equip the healthcare providers with the necessary knowledge to offer quality care which is achievable through the integration of the AI-chatbot to help in handling patient complaints, answering patient questions and establishing rapport and trust to enhance the patient experience (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2022). Therefore, the healthcare facility still needs to improve its communication by using the AI-Chatbot to enhance communication and help achieve its objectives.

Although the Cleveland clinic highly integrated information technology to offer quality care and deal with complex health issues, including cardiovascular and heart diseases, it still needs to innovate more information systems such as AI-driven Chatbots to enhance communication with the patient. The organization aims to enhance caregivers' education, care for life, and encourage health innovation. In addition, it aims at offering all-inclusive quality care. However, the healthcare facility is highly recognized for dealing with cardiology and heart diseases using the current technology. Some technologies include remote healthcare services, an online patient portal, electronic health records (EHR) established through the Epic systems, and VMware software to protect the IT systems and infrastructure. The working environment is based on respect for diversity and inclusion, integrity and teamwork, and various benefits for healthcare providers to enhance their well-being. However, a loophole exists in the communication and integration of an AI- chatbot to enhance its remote healthcare program.


Van Iterson, E. H., Laffin, L. J., Crawford, M., Mc Mahan, D., Cho, L., & Khot, U. (2021). Cardiac rehabilitation is essential in the covid-19 ERA. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 41(2), 88-92. doi:10.1097/hcr.0000000000000585

Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2022). Health Care Information Systems: A practical approach for Health Care Management. JOSSEY-BASS.

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