question: Marx offered a thesis on the fetishism of commodities. First, explain
Marx's thesis on the fetishism of commodities. Next, describe what you think we
have fetishized in modern society (be sure to explain your
reasoning). Or, if you you disagree with Marx's thesis on the fetishism of
commodities, explain why (be sure to include specific examples).
fetishism is among Marx’s most constantly lasting ideas, and it is astoundingly
accessible. Marx hypothesizes fetishism of commodities as a condition in which
the production process is no longer perceived as a social endeavor but as an
unpretentious exchange of commodities and money. at a cursory glance, this
concept conveys an understanding and perception of commodities, which entails
that they are almost ephemeral and inaccessible. He contends that once raw
materials, through specific production processes, their nature changes in a fundamental
manner, and subsequently become commodities. Marx demonstrates that commodities
take an almost spiritual or mystical essence that completely surpasses or
transcends their specified user-oriented or use-value (Sammells, 2019). The fetishistic
characteristic of a product or a commodity is a direct production outcome
wherein people believe commodities are economically worthy of something outside
of their unswerving or direct usefulness or utility. Therefore, commodities
themselves commence having a kind of active life in the community