Please answer the following in
an essay of about 2 double-spaced pages (600 words). Use examples from the
readings, lectures, and films when possible.
In the 1700 and 1800s, some
countries in the Global North (such as Great Britain) experienced rapid industrialization
and increased production. Pick TWO of the following three theorists -- Adam
Smith, Max Weber, and Karl Marx -- and explain what they thought caused this
economic growth. Point out some key differences between their arguments. (You
are going to use Adam Smith and Karl Marx.) Then reflect on what we’ve learned
so far about global development in the current era. From the two theorists you
chose above, pick ONE (Smith, Marx, or Weber). How would he explain the
continued existence of poverty and underdevelopment in the countries Global
South(Asia, Africa, and Latin America)? Try to provide specific examples from
readings, lectures, or videos we’ve watched.
Cite from these readings: -
Payne and Phillips - Classical Liberal Economic Theory pdf - Payne and Phillips
- Classical Historical Materialism pdf