design and justify a literacy learning centre suitable for an Early Childhood
Centre for children aged 2-5 years, within a play based/emergent curriculum,
with a focus on one literacy topic.
of contents:
1.What is a literacy learning centre?
2.Examples of Assessment Task 2
3.Incorporating Literacy
into a learning centre
4.Academic integrity and referencing 5. Permission to use photographs form Here
is also a video explaining about the task and what is need to be in it.
learning centers are important in shaping and creating literate children. They
do this by encouraging role plays, imagination, and dramatic plays among the
children. One can focus on various aspects of developing literacy among
children. This could be phonological awareness, oral language, or vocabulary.
All these three are key elements in literacy development in children. They are
developed in stages where one aspect has to be developed first before the
other. For example, phonological awareness has to be developed first in
children. Through the ability to pronounce various sounds, the children can
then develop a language. This is later followed by the learning of vocabularies
for that particular language. Learning is a process in which the crucial part
is experienced in the early childhood stages. As a result, one should take care when imparting knowledge to the young ones.