plays a major role in the educational process. Pre-assessment, formative
assessment, and summative assessment each have a specific purpose in evaluating
the effectiveness of instruction and making timely adjustments. Teachers should
use a variety of assessment strategies that are well suited for the content and
skills being taught.
educational process is significantly shaped by assessment procedures,
especially in the area of English Language Arts (ELA). Formative assessment,
summative assessment, and Pre-assessment are all strategically implemented as
part of the full evaluation of students' development. These various evaluation
elements enable a comprehensive understanding of the efficacy of teaching
strategies while enabling educators to make timely and focused adjustments to
maximize learning results. Effective assessment strategies in English Language
Arts (ELA) encompass pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative
assessment, which collectively offer a comprehensive understanding of students'
progress, guide instructional adjustments, and enhance learning outcomes.