Worldview Research Paper Assignment
This assignment is designed to help you understand the term worldview, and how important it is to have a consistent, coherent, and adequate worldview as you interact with others. Everyone has a worldview, though none of us have a perfectly consistent worldview, especially in how we apply it to our decision-making. There are five worldview questions that can help you know your own worldview and the worldviews of others. The Biblical Worldview uses the Bible to help answer these questions (2 Timothy 3:16). However, it is one thing to know how the Biblical Worldview would answer a question, and quite another to use that worldview to answer practical, contemporary, questions (2 Timothy 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31).
this assignment you are to:
Define the term worldview (75 – 100 words),
2. Answer
the five worldview questions from a Biblical Worldview (400 – 500 words),
3. And
apply that Biblical Worldview to two of four practical questions from a list of
options (100 – 150 words).
4. You
are writing a research paper, so this assignment should be written in paragraph
5. Headers
may be used to introduce each part.
· Cover page – This is the first page to be included in your paper. (This should be formatted in APA style for this assignment. When using APA, an Abstract is not required.
·Content pages – These pages will contain your content and fulfill the requirements as listed below.
Note: Add the word count after each part.
Part 1 (75 – 100 words) What is a worldview? Define what the term “worldview” means. Use descriptive phrases to support your definition. Use and cite content from at least one or two sources in this part to define the term.
Part 2 (400 – 500 words) Articulate the biblical worldview’s answer (what is believed) for each of the following five questions.
- Support your biblical content with scripture (Bible references).
- A minimum of two relevant biblical references needs to be used to support the content for each of the five questions below.
- Do not write out the verses as it takes up too much of your word count. Just state the biblical idea and cite the biblical text to support it.
- Use the Writing Style Guide sample paper for how to cite scripture.
- Each of the five questions must be answered in a separate paragraph.
Question of Origin – (What is
the origin of the universe etc.? How did humanity come into existence?)
2. The
Question of Identity – (What
does it mean to be human? Are humans more important than other living things?)
3. The
Question of Meaning/Purpose –
(What is humanity’s purpose?)
4. The
Question of Morality – (What is
meant by right and wrong? How is morality determined?)
5.The Question of Destiny – (What happens when a person dies?)
*An overview of these specific worldview questions can be found in chapter 4 (p.52-66 on week 3 paper notes) of Finding Your Worldview: Thinking Christianly about the World.
Part 3 (100 – 150 words) Choose two of the following questions below and answer them from a biblical worldview belief system. (Use and cite scripture to support your biblical content.)How might/should a biblical worldview influence the way you…
1. …think about and treat a person who doesn’t hold your beliefs?
2. …vote in local or national elections?
3. …act toward a family member who is hard to get along with and is unkind?
4. …decide what to do when asked to do something unethical at work?
Bible and other Classical Works
Works such as the Bible, ancient Greek or Roman works, and other classical works like Shakespeare must be cited in the body of the paper (APA, 2019, section 8.28). APA-7 now also requires that they be included in the reference list, too (section 9.42), which is a significant change from APA-6. Republished dates are included as well (see section 9.41). As such, you would add a parenthetical phrase at the end of your reference entry with the original publication details; note that there should be no punctuation following such parenthetical content at the end of a reference entry (the reference entries depicting this in the reference list below are correctly punctuated).
Citations for the Bible will include the Bible version’s name in the author’s position (as an anonymous work), original and republished years, and then the book chapter/verse (spelled out) in place of the page number (i.e., King James Bible, 1769/2017, Genesis 3:8)—see sections 8.28 and 9.42. Note that APA (2019) requires book titles to be italicized in every venue, including citations and reference entries. Because Liberty University is a distinctly-Christian institution and many of its courses require biblical integration, most if not all of its students will cite the Bible in virtually every course. The examples provided on pp. 274 and 325 of APA-7 are: 20 (note the italics in each)
Narrative citation: King James Bible (1769/2017)
Parenthetical citation: (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Song of Solomon 8:6)
· Reference entry: King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. (Original work published 1769)
· Bibliography/References/Works Cited page
a. In addition to the in-text citations, a Bibliography/Reference or Works Cited page must be included.
b.A minimum of three different sources must be used and cited in the body of your paper and added here.
1.Use academic sources for your paper. (For example, do not include blogs, social media, opinion pages, or Wikipedia.)
2.At least one of the sources must be outside of
the materials used in this course (this would include the Bible, any required
reading or videos, and the required textbooks).
People incorporate various
worldviews in their daily activities and decision-making patterns. Several
factors may influence worldviews; for instance, a person's religious
inclination, childhood parental upbringing, education, media interaction, and
peer relations. Therefore, it is imperative that a person identifies a
particular worldview and applies it consistently to their decision-making
practices. This eliminates the aspect of confusion and creates a sense of
identity for oneself. Therefore, by understanding that worldviews differ for
different people, one can learn to appreciate other people's opinions and can
establish positive methods of responding to the differences.
Defining Worldview
The worldview concept is not
only specific to the religious domain but also a wide jurisdiction. The concept
may vary depending on the research domain; for instance, the definition may
differ for anthropology, philosophy, or religious aspects. A more comprehensive
meaning of worldview derived from all concepts involves the perception of life,
the world, and humanity that comprises standards and values that may or may not
be necessarily moral and encompass answers to existent questions (van der
Kooij, 2016). Therefore, these perceptions influence individuals' actions,
thoughts, and decisions by attaching or denying meaning to life. (95 words)
Biblical Worldview
The Bible attributes the
universe's existence to God's work of creation. In the beginning, God created
heaven and earth, and the earth was considered formless and filled with
darkness (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Genesis 1:1-2). Thus, God takes five
days to create the animals, plants, waters, light, darkness, and birds of the
air, among others. Then, on the sixth day, God created man in his image, both
male and female, and gave them authority over the creation (King James Bible,
1769/2017, Genesis 1:26). Therefore, through these actions by God, the universe
was created, and humankind came into existence.
Theism portrays human beings
as special creations created in God's likeness. A man was created above the
animals but at a lower level compared to the angels (King James Bible, 1769/2017,
psalms 8:5). After creating man, he placed him in the garden of Eden, where he gave
him the authority to take care of the garden (King James Bible, 1769/2017,
Genesis 2:15). Man was allowed to name the animals, plants, and birds of the
air. This gave him power and authority over the rest of God’s creation. Therefore,
human beings were created to enjoy and benefit from God’s creation while
ensuring that they took care of it and promoted its growth.
Human beings are purposed to
know God and should strive to establish a personal relationship with God. The
Jews believe that they are meant to know and serve God by following the
commandments (Gutierrez & Weider, 2000).
By creating a personal relationship with God, human beings can love and serve
God with all their hearts and souls (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Deut 11:13). Moreover,
they are meant to care for their neighbours. Therefore, they should love others
as they love themselves (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Lev 19:18). Therefore, by
serving God wholeheartedly and caring for their neighbours, human beings adhere
to God's commandments as they serve their purpose in the world.
Morality directs people on how
to behave and what behaviour to avoid. It establishes one's behaviour as right
or wrong by evaluating their degree of conformity to the set standards and
guidelines or beliefs that can be universalized (Rahman, 2020). Theists base
their ethics on the nature and character of God as portrayed in the Bible (Gutierrez
& Weider, 2000). God is considered holy
and pure; hence human beings are urged to do things that are considered
pleasing to God and not to man (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Colossians 3:23). Moreover,
man is born a sinner (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Psalms 51:5), and are
vulnerable to wrongdoing. Hence, they must seek salvation through faith in
Life after death in
Christianity is based on the person's faith and actions. The Bible reveals
eternal existence in heaven or hell after a person dies. People who live holy
lives or lives that please God while on earth get to enjoy the presence and
blessings of God in heaven (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Revelation 21:1-7).
Those who lead sinful lives on earth experience alienation from God while
undergoing punishment in hell (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Revelation
20:11-15). Therefore, humans are advised to seek repentance and lead holy lives
on earth to ensure they experience eternal life with God. (535 words)
Application of Biblical
Worldview To Practical Questions
Christians may face
temptations and challenges that can shake their faith in God. One should hold
on to their teachings when presented with the need to accomplish an unethical
task in the workplace. Nothing should move them, and they should give
themselves to the lord's work since they know that their service to him will be
rewarded (King James Bible, 1769/2017, 1 Corinthians 15:57-58). When faced with
a family member who acts unkindly and makes it difficult to get along, one
should understand that no one is perfect. We should be ready to forgive others
just as God forgives us (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Ephesians 4:32).
Therefore, by understanding the biblical worldview, people can learn how to
handle challenges that come their way by applying biblical teachings that
strengthen their faith and remind them of the rewards in heaven. (139 words)
People must identify with a
particular worldview to show consistency in their decision-making capabilities.
This enables them to develop an identity that characterizes them uniquely.
Moreover, one should be aware of the different existing worldviews. This way,
they can understand other people's perceptions, establish ways to handle their
behaviour, and respond to their opinions. Importantly, sticking to a particular
worldview; for instance, the biblical worldview, one can draw inspiration and
strength from the scriptures, which enable one to make wise decisions when in a
Gutierrez, B. & Weider, L. (2000) Finding your worldview: Thinking christianly about the
world. B&H Academic.
King James Bible.
(2017). King James Bible Online.
(Original work published 1769)
M. (2020). How do you decide right and wrong?
der Kooij, J. (2016). Worldview and moral education: On conceptual
clarity and consistency in use.