

Image of Salvation

Image of Salvation Essay Assignment Instructions


The student will complete a theological essay that will address the relationship of human sinfulness to an aspect of the doctrine of salvation.


Students will examine one of the biblical images of salvation (adoption, conversion, regeneration, redemption, reconciliation, justification, election, sanctification, or glorification) and define and describe the doctrine with its biblical, historical and theological contours as well as discuss how this image of salvation relates to and addresses the problem of sin. Finally, the student will apply the implications of this doctrine to the Christian life and for the student’s chosen vocation. The essay will be 750-1000 words and the formatting should be compatible with your current degree program.

Refer to the "Course Policies" in the course syllabus for the formatting expectations in this course.

Use the provided Image of Salvation Essay Template as a guide.

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The doctrine of salvation is significant in Christian communities and churches. Christians view salvation as the gift God gave to humans by sacrificing Jesus to die on the cross. The Bible states that God created the earth, heaven, and everything that exists. Although he saw that everything was good, humankind (Adam and Eve) sinned by taking the forbidden fruit leading to estrangement. However, God sought a way to redeem humans from the power of sins, doom, and God's wrath to draw man closer to him. Salvation is restoring God's grace, which encompasses eternal glory, life, and abundance. However, there are various images of salvation, such as adoption, redemption, justification, glorification, conversation, reconciliation, and regeneration. However, redemption is crucial in setting Christians free from the slavery of sin and enhancing their overall well-being.

Redemption is among the various images of salvation. Redeeming entails gaining back/reclaiming something that one has lost. By sacrificing his only son to die on the cross because of the sins of humans, God redeemed humankind to himself. Historically, since the beginning, when man first sinned, God wished that men acknowledge the truth and get saved from their sinful nature (Green et al., 2017). God was bitter and cursed Adam and Eve by stating that the woman's pain and trouble of pregnancy and giving birth would be doubled and would be the man's subject while the man would toil to put food on the table (Genesis 3:15-17) (James et al., 1979). Salvation history traces back to the call of Abraham and Moses. However, Christians focus on the revelation of redemption in the new testament through the death of Jesus. According to Christian beliefs, God sent Jesus to the world as a man and lived human life for thirty years by constantly facing and overcoming temptations (Chung, 2017). Jesus portrayed an example of how Christians should live, and although he was sinless, he agreed to die on the cross to redeem humans through his blood. Thus, through Christ's redemption, Christians were reconciled with God.

However, despite being redeemed from sin, Christians still choose selfish and ungodly paths, separating them from God. People turn to worship idols and worldly things and forget God, the author and finisher of their faith (Chung, 2017). Redemption helps initiate God's original intention for humankind to enjoy divine life. Redemption is crucial in reconnecting human beings to God by making a human being righteous before God. The Christian's idea of salvation revolves around their belief that Christ sacrificed his life on the cross (paying for their salvation) (Chung, 2017). Redemption delivers people from sin and evilness. In Christianity, there is personal and original sin. Original sin is believed to be inherited from the sin committed by Adam and Eve by disobeying God, which broke the initial relationship between man and God. Personal sin entails actions that violate the ten commandments. Therefore, humans require redemption from original and personal sins to reconnect with God and be free from unrighteousness.

The concept of redemption and people's negligence by indulging in a sinful nature in their daily lives persists even today. However, God is merciful; if anyone confesses their sins and seeks forgiveness, they are redeemed. The Bible states that God is righteous and faithful. If anyone confesses their sins, he cleanses and forgives them from all unrighteousness (John 1:9) (James et al., 1979). Through redemption, one gains an invisible victory and power to thrive on earth. However, after redemption, one could be tempted to go back to old sinful acts, but the grace of redemption helps one to overcome by continuously seeking forgiveness (Chung, 2017). Christians believe that through the resurrection of Jesus, they gained the power to overcome the devil, flesh, death, sin, and the world and hence become new creatures and redeemed. Hence, there are various instances when one feels tempted to indulge in sinful acts, but through the power of redemption, one can overcome sin and live a righteous life (Sinnett, 2017). The concept of the image of salvation and the doctrine of redemption is portrayed in daily life as one has to continuously seek redemption by acknowledging that through the death of Jesus, they get redeemed from sin and the power of darkness. In addition, through redemption, one feels free and powerful to conquer life trials and challenges, which enhances one's mental, spiritual, psychological, and physical well-being (Sinnett, 2017). Thus, salvation through the redemption of sins through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross is critical in enhancing Christian's spiritual, mental, psychological, and physical well-being as they feel energized and empowered to conquer the world and live a righteous life.

Redemption is crucial in setting Christians free from the slavery of sin and enhancing their overall well-being. Redemption entails gaining back/reclaiming something that one had lost. By sacrificing his only son to die on the cross because of the sins of humans, God redeemed humanity to himself. Therefore, humans should be redeemed from original and personal sins to reconnect with God and be free from the slavery of sin. Thus, salvation through the redemption of sins through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross is critical in enhancing Christians' spiritual, mental, psychological, and physical well-being empowering them to conquer the world and live righteous lives.


Chung, S. W. (2017). Salvation as Reconciliation: Toward a Theology of Reconciliation in the Division of the Korean Peninsula. So Great a Salvation: Soteriology in the Majority World, 138-58.

Green, G. L., Pardue, S. T., & Yeo, K.-K. (2017). So great a salvation: Soteriology in the majority world. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

James, K., Wire, N., Bradfield, J. D., & Moore, S. (1979). The Holy Bible (p. 15). World Publishing Company.

Sinnett, A. G. (2017). A theology of union: What it means to belong to god, in christ, and its Application

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