assessment task addresses the following Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability
Development: Examine and analyse the major principles and concepts of strategic
communication management. Propose and critically discuss the application of
systems thinking initiatives to address identified issue/s. Critically reflect
on the principles and values of strategic communication and systems thinking,
and how they are situated within your personal and professional practice. I
will upload documents and theory and also the strategic Comm plan that I have
done for the company. Criteria : Clearity : text is used effectively and has a
strong impact on illustrating the student’s learning journey. Originality and
Relevance : text used reveal an exceptional degree of student creativity,
commitment and passion for the topics. Content used is relevant to
demonstrating knowledge, skills, techniques and understanding of concepts,
current and future issues related to SCP. The presentation convinces that the
student has an advanced competence in using systems theory in SCP. Praxia
between theory and practice : Content demonstrates an advanced knowledge and
synthesis of literature and practice. Provides a visual description of how
theory can inform SCP design, implementation, and evaluation. Implications for
your career or study interest : You present a clear rationale for how the
learnings have impacted your career/study path.
Reflective journey:
strategic communication management and systems thinking
Strategic communication
management/ planning(SCP) entails the ability of organizations to plan and
strategically and systematically organize the content of information, the
information flow, and the selection of the most appropriate media of
communication to attain the desired objectives. This involves the analysis of
the dynamics of consumer needs, behavior, market trends, and changes in the
global marketing cultures, crafting the most appropriate information and
creatively sharing it to generate a positive impact. Therefore, strategic
communication planning could be utilized to share innovative ideas, suggest new
objectives, and advertise to stakeholders through different media channels such
as local media, social media, and emails, among other platforms. However, an
organization must use systems thinking strategy to attain the intended goal of
crafting the right message for the intended audience at the right time and
using the most appropriate channel. The main principles of strategic
communication planning include message design, selection of audience and
analysis, calculated timing, correct media, and the desired impact.
Strategic communication
planning entails systematic and strategic crafting of the message design,
selecting the audience and analysis, calculated timing, selecting the correct
media, and the desired impact. Crafting the message design entails analyzing the
communication and the organization's goal to develop a message that serves the
intended purpose and is understandable by the target audience (Holtzhausen et
al., 2021). Another crucial principle of SCP is the selection of the audience.
For instance, communication could address managers, investors, employees, news
media, customers, or influencers. Therefore, it is crucial to select the target
audience to be able to use the proper terms, depending on audiences, beliefs,
values, and attitudes, to enhance messages' relevance and avoid
misunderstanding. However, it is also crucial to consider the platform/ media
used to pass the message depending on the media consumption of the selected
audience (Holtzhausen et al., 2021). For instance, one could address customers
through local media, emails, social media platforms, or employees through
memos, emails, or virtual meetings. It is also crucial to pass the message at
the right time. Correct timing helps in enhancing the effectiveness of
communication. Lastly, in SCP, one has to define the communication's desired
outcome, such as increased sales, attendance, and market share, among others,
to measure impact (Holtzhausen et al., 2021). Thus, strategic communication
planning (SCP) is crucial in enhancing communication effectiveness through
correct timing, proper selection of audience, use of the right media, analysis
of the desired outcome, and correct message design.
On the other hand,
systems thinking involves integrating different aspects of nature in analyzing
a particular situation to broaden one's understanding. For instance, one could
explore how different systems such as people, environment, culture, political,
or economic factors connect to understand the cause of certain situations
(Williams et al., 2017). Systems thinking enhances one's understanding by
giving new insights inspiring change and innovation. For instance, in the six
hats reality learning, the main issue is implementing change to embrace
augmented and virtual reality to compete favorably. The company's weakness is
messaging visibility. Systems thinking could address the underlying issues by
integrating various aspects of learning reality in the organization, such as
culture, structure, leadership, ethical conduct, employees' commitment, the
systems used and their advantages and disadvantages, and the areas that need
adjustments to improve performance (Williams et al., 2017). Systemic thinking
helps enhance teamwork and employee involvement and reduce resistance to
change. Thus, through systemic thinking and proper utilization of strategic
communication planning (SCP) principles, it could be easy to message
Thus, Strategic
communication planning (SCP) and systems thinking play a crucial role in
strategic communication to achieve the desired professional and personal goals.
For instance, in life, one experiences different situations that could require
systems thinking of the interrelated factors to establish the root cause and
make the most appropriate decisions (Williams et al., 2017). Also, one must
apply the SCP principles to convey a particular message at the right time to
the selected audience, using the right channel to attain the desired goal
(Holtzhausen et al., 2021). Professionally, systems thinking is critical in
solving work-related issues such as reduced sales, enhancing product quality,
marketing, or streamlining the supply chain processes. Therefore, systems
thinking and the SCP principles play a critical role at work and personal
levels to enhance healthy interactions and informed decision-making.
The main principles of
strategic communication planning include message design, selection of audience
and analysis, calculated timing, correct media, and the desired impact.
Strategic communication management/ planning(SCP) entails the ability of
organizations to plan and organize the content of information, enhance
information flow, and select the most appropriate media of communication to
attain the desired objectives Strategic communication planning (SCP) is crucial
in enhancing communication effectiveness. In contrast, systems thinking
involves integrating different aspects of nature to analyze a situation to
broaden one's understanding. Systems thinking can solve personal and
professional issues by analyzing the interconnection of the systems to determine
the root cause of a particular problem. Therefore, systems thinking and the SCP
principles play a critical role at work and personal levels to enhance healthy
interactions and informed decision-making.
D.R. et al. (2021) Principles of Strategic Communication.
A. et al. (2017) “Systems thinking: A Review of Sustainability
Management Research,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 148, pp. 866–881.
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