task is to write a research report that investigates the association between
personality and problematic social media use. We will look
at social media use general, as well as specific platforms (Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube).
media has become popular in recent years, with people using it to connect and
interact with other people and businesses taking advantage of the wide audience
to make people aware of their brands. Although social media has various
benefits, it can result in psychological and physical addiction. Similar to
substance addiction, it may lead to mood shifts (feeling positive emotions
after social media use), tolerance (increased social media use with time),
salience (cognitive, behavioral, and emotional social media preoccupation),
withdrawal symptoms (the manifestation of unpleasant emotions when social media
use stops or is limited), relapse (people with social media addiction reverting
to its excessive use after a period of no use), and conflict (social media use
leading to problems in interpersonal relationships). Although there is no
recognized diagnostic technique for problematic social media usage (PSMU), this
study conceptualizes it as a disorder characterized by the compulsion and
preoccupation to engage in social media platforms excessively, even when the
act has associated negative effects. In addition, PSMU is related to depression
and anxiety in young adults and children. For instance, in their meta-analysis, Shannon et al. (2022) discovered
moderate to significant relations between increased symptoms of stress,
depression, and anxiety in the youth and PSMU. Similar to this, a meta-analysis
and systematic review by Marino et al. (2018) revealed the negative
consequences of problematic Facebook use on the wellness of young adults and
teenagers with mental distress as a prominent negative outcome. Due to proliferated
social media use, researchers have thus sought to determine how one’s
personality predisposes one to PSMU.